Here's a quick look at the types of problems we can address
Projects fail at an astonishing rate. These problem statements show examples as to points at which you stop having a problem project to needing to look towards independent Project Intercession Services

Disagreement in relation to project deliverables often see legal escalation as the only recourse....but there is another way.
Projects often his challenges are issues such as scope, delivery issues or other commercial facts. These matters are complicated when both parties take a different view as to their read of the contract. As an independent, the project interceders are able to openly review the contract from both parties perspectives and provide potential mediation and discussion as to an agreed way forward.

As a customer sometimes you need an external opinion to validate your concerns before challenging the delivery of a contract.
Contracts are hard. Whilst struck under the best of intentions when things start to deliver it sometimes doesn't play out the way in which you had visualised. As the Customer who engages in services infrequently, you are often at a disadvantage to the Vendor who has struck a contract from a more experienced position. But that does not mean that the Vendor is correct, so Project Interceders are able to review and give you advice as to whether you're concerns are valid and whether there is a way to question and address your concerns in a considered and structured manner. We can give you the confidence to take the next step as opposed to feeling vulnerable

Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday
Projects often stagnate through doing the same thing over and over again. As an independent review point, the project interceders can work with the Customer and Vendor to look at where things might be improved the re-baseline relations and get the focus back on completing your project.